Coronavirus in Nebraska
How Bio-One Can Help
MAR 9, 2020 by Daniela Myers

As of March 9, 2020, there are three confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Nebraska. Currently only one of these individuals is hospitalized at Nebraska Medicine. The other two cases are in self-quarantine with mild symptoms. With these cases so close to home, we at Bio-One Omaha are ready to properly disinfect an area if there is an infectious disease concern.
Bio-One is not only here to provide great services, but we want to give our community the best information and reliable resources as news of COVID-19 spreads.
How to stay safe and healthy
The best ways to stay safe and healthy are to wash your hands and stay home if you are feeling sick. Per the CDC, soap and water are the best way to keep your hands clean and to stop the spread of coronavirus. Be sure to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after coughing or sneezing. If you are feeling sick and develop a fever stay home except to get medical care.
The EPA has released an approved list of cleaning agents that can be used as general household cleaners. Frequently cleaning touched objects in your home can also help stop the spread of disease.
Who is at risk?
The best information we have so far shows that there are some people at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. This includes older adults (individuals over 60) and people with the following conditions:
- Heart Disease
- Diabetes
- Lung Disease
If any of these situations apply to you, take extra precautions. Be mindful of how much time you are spending in crowded public places.
How Bio-One Can Help
If you are concerned about people getting sick at your home, office, daycare, or business, call Bio-One at 402-521-4301. We can professionally clean and disinfect an area and can walk you through any questions.